Functional Testing Types-1

3 min readDec 29, 2021


Hi folks, today we’ll explore three functional testing types with example from real works. Function means what something does or is used for. For instance arm is used for hold, grab or reaching for an object. If we don’t have arms, living would be difficult. Health companies trying to create artificial arms. Why? Since arm function for a body have enormous importance. Without arm human can not do many common things and also they would lose life comfort. Each part of our bodies have various functions. To live happy we need their all actions. We need feet to walk and eyes to see. So is software. Like our body parts, software need different function to make real user actions. If you want to select a product from Ecommerce site, you need a button, when you click on that button, it is going to navigate you to the cart page. Without that button you can not do that action.

In an app, website or hardware functions perform users aims what they need such as click, select, sing in, quit. By increasing your system function performance you would gain happier users who visit your sites continuously, they can spend a lot of time with your product besides nice feedback. When you collect user experiences on your site or app, you can understand whether you did correct work or not. Therefore, you need to increase positive feedback if you want to present qualified product. To do that, you need test your all functions. Let’s explore and learn Functional Testing Types together:

  1. Unit Testing; By developers, software modules are tested by looking inputs and outputs. We can say they manage a coding verification process during unit tests. If a team following TDD, first of all unit tests are wrote then started coding. With that method developers can have practical path to progress. Example unit test is if your mobile money transfer app has different transfer payment for different currency, you can write a unit test to determining for each currency payment rates and maybe their tax rates.
  2. Smoke Testing; Indeed, with smoke testing, critical functions of product is controlled. After a software deployed smoke test, is also called “Build Verification Testing”, is checked main structure as well as obstruct to lose money and time. If the tests fail QA can say that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. By executing smoke testing scripts tester can make sure whether important parts of software work well or not. To illustrate smoke testing let’s explain a simple example, think that an air conditioner compressor produced and testers ran scenarios. When they forced that machine part, if they see any fire they need to reconsider why they failed. To give another example, when someone rapidly clicked all buttons on website, it can crashed or can failed response some requests.
  3. Sanity Testing; A subset of regression testing, QAs execute to verify any code changes that they are working properly. There is connection between smoke testing and sanity testing, firstly executed smoke tests after new releases then sanity test can executed after modifications. Sanity testing helps in speedily detect bugs in the core functionality. Let’s exemplify, testers look page parts such buttons and page order to check page work as intended. If there are contact information on first page capital letters or if there are irrelevant picture in terms of on website targets and customer portfolio, it would be against rationality and with sanity testing Qa would detect that problems.

I tried to explain 3 types of functional testing. More to come for that. Thanks for spend your time.




Written by Ali KAYA

Software QA at Quality Assurance, researcher, debater. Love the world, love the animals.

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